Friday, September 14, 2012

تعلمي أساسيات التعامل مع الحاسوب و البروجكتور

في دورة قصيرة كانت يوم الثلاثاء 24-10-1433هـ
خصصنها لمعلمات المرحلتين المتوسطة و الثانوية 

تحدثنا فيها عن أساسيات التعامل مع الحاسوب و طريقة ربطه بالبروجكتور وتم توزيع مطوية على المعلمات فيها طريقة تشغيل البروجكتور و إيقافه 
وإليكم مقتطفات منها 
هو جهاز يُستخدم لعرض البيانات أمام مجموعة من الناس المهتمين بنوع العرض وغالباً ما يُستخدم في المدارس و الجامعات و الشركات.

طريقة تشغيله

1- توصيل (كيبل) صورة (1) جهاز العرض بالمنفذ الخاص به في جهاز الحاسوب وغالباً

ما يكون لونه أزرق ويسمى بكيبل العرض كما هو موضح في صورة (1) .

2- تشغيل جهاز العرض من قائمة الأزرار وذلك بالضغط على زر تشغيل

سيظهر لك في البداية اللون البرتقالي ومعنى هذا أن جهاز العرض في وضع الاستعداد أما اللون الأخضر فهذا يعني أنه بدأ يعمل . بالنسبة للحواسيب المحمولة فكل حاسوب له طريقة للتفاعل مع جهاز العرض يعتمد على نوع نظام التشغيل و نوع الجهاز.

طريقة إيقافه

1- بالضغط مرتين متتاليتين على نفس زر التشغيل وتأكدي من ذلك بمشاهدة لمبة الطاقة مغلقة ( ليس لها اللون البرتقالي و لا الأخضر)

من الأسئلة التي تتكرر في البروجكتور ومشاكله


في حال عدم عمل البروجكتور
1. My projector is not working when I turn it on!

Make sure the outlet in which the projector is connected has power, and that the projection lamp is good. Some projectors also have "indicator" or "status" LED lights on the control panel. If this light is on or flashing please refer to your owner's manual for solutions and explanations.
لا تظهر إشارة أو صورة بعد تشغيل البروجكتور
2. I'm getting no signal or picture

Upon setting up your equipment it is very important that you turn on the projector first. You will see a blank projection image, now turn on the computer, (confirm your cables are connected properly). When using a lap top computer you may need to disable your computer's display screen. First locate the "function" key at the top of your keypad that reads "LCD", "CRT" or it may have an icon that resembles a computer monitor. By pressing the "FN" key and the corresponding "function" key you will be able to obtain the image from the projector only. This is known as "toggling" the image.

تظهر لي صورة جزئية فقط
3. My screen is scrolling" or "I'm only getting a partial image

This is normally caused by the computer's resolution not being completely compatible with the projector's resolution. You will need to adjust your computer's resolution to match the projector. (the projector's resolution can be found in the "specifications" page of the projector owner's manual.) You will be able to access the computer's resolution and make changes by performing the following steps:

For Windows '95 - Go to the "Start" icon on the desktop area of the computer and click. Select "Settings", "Control Panel" and then click on "Display". Choose the "Settings" tab and locate the slide bar that represents the computers current resolution. (example 800 X 600) Change the resolution to match that of the projector and click "OK". You will need to restart your computer to apply the changes.

For Other Windows - Go into the Main Window, double click on "Windows Setup", choose "Change Systems Settings" from the "Options" menu, choose "Display" and change setting to match that of the projector. Restart your computer to save these changes.

This can also be caused by the signal being displayed on both the computer's (laptop) LED screen and the projection screen. If you are getting poor results even after resetting the computer's resolution try to "toggle" the image by using the steps shown in the " I'm getting no signal or picture" section above. Your best results should come when the image is on the projection screen only.

التحكم عن بعد لا يعمل لدي
4. My remote control will not work

Weak or dead batteries can cause numerous problems with a remote control. To maximize the life of the batteries take them out when the projector is not in use. Some projector remotes come with an "on-off" switch for the remote itself (not to be confused with the power button for the projector) turn the remote off when not in use. You should have a clear line of sight between the remote control and the projector's inferred receiver. Any obstructions will interfere with the projector's ability to pick up the remote's signal. Most remote controls also come with the ability to control your computer's mouse. To obtain the best link possible between the computer and projector connect the mouse cable (PS/2 or Serial) prior to turning "on" the equipment. Diagrams on how to wire the cables can be found in the owner's manual.



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