Saturday, May 25, 2013

حار وبارد؟

  • Your summer hair could best be described as:

    • Pulled back or cut short.
    • Long and flowing, I don't care how hot it gets.
    • The parts that I don't shave off tend to look kinda stringy/sweaty/salt-watery.
    • Shaved off.
    • It depends on my mood and how hot it is out and where I'm going.
  • Which of these is closest to your summer job?

    • Carnival ride operator, baby!
    • Restaurant host/hostess
    • Parking lot attendant.
    • Babysitting.
    • Job? Is that you, dad?
  • The easiest place for your friends to find you over summer is:

    • Nightclubs.
    • Outside... or inside... whatever. Summer's a season, not a place.
    • If I'm not at the beach, I'm at the skate park.
    • Directly in front of the air conditioner.
    • My job.
  • Besides sunscreen, during summer you tend to smell like:

    • Soap and fabric softener.
    • Sweat.
    • Honey vanilla or Chanel no. 5.
    • Patchouli.
    • Either cotton candy, or some of my friend's perfume, or the orange I was just peeling.
  • Your summeriest shirt is:

    • Bright, bright, bright.
    • Made of flowy drapy fabric... or a body-hugging tank.
    • A bikini top or shirtless. Day, night and in-between.
    • A faded T-shirt.
    • A faded T-shirt with the arms cut off and the text barely readable anymore, plus that hole from that time I fell out of that tree/got caught on that fence.
  • What are your favorite summer shoes?

    • I don't understand, I have to narrow it down to like, one style?
    • Wedge heel sandal for girls, dress shoes or rare high tops for guys.
    • Stank, beat up vans or chucks held together by a web of duct tape and shoe goo.
    • Bare feet... flip flops maximum.
    • Not all that different from my winter shoes.


You are Secret Hot.

Not everyone feels the necessity to announce their hotness to the world. And what, just 'cause it's warm out, you're supposed to suddenly be totally comfortable having your whole body exposed to the elements (and people's eyes)? Summer for you is a break from the monotony of the school year, but a time to use wisely -- either earning more credits, or some sweet, tender cash money. And whatever smart coworker or voluntary summer school classmate takes the time to discover the hotness you hold within will be a lucky person indeed.

  • You see a baby bird with an injured wing in front of your house. You:

    • Wonder if the neighbor's cat is hungry. Things die -- they might as well get eaten.
    • Think, "I bet it'll be dead soon," and walk away.
    • Take a picture and post it online, with the caption, "Life sucks."
    • Might not even notice. I'm usually in a rush.
    • Tell my parents or a neighbor about it.
    • Put it in a cardboard box and call an animal rescue place.
  • Would you dump someone the day before his/her birthday?

    • Sure, why not? Love is a big lie anyway.
    • Well, I'm not going to keep dating some hoser just because he/she was born on a certain day!
    • Yeah, especially if I didn't want to go to his/her party.
    • Maybe not intentionally, but I'm pretty forgetful about birthdays.
    • I hope not. That's pretty harsh.
    • No. Even if things are bad, I'll stick it out a few more days.
  • Someone from school sends you a text asking you out, but you're not attracted to him/her at all. You'll probably:

    • Forward it to a few friends, who'll send it to their friends, in a never-ending chain of mockery.
    • Write back, "Stop texting me!"
    • Write back, "Sorry, not interested." I would NEVER be seen with him/her.
    • Forget all about it in five minutes.
    • Write back, "I'm busy, sorry. I'll see you in class."
    • Write back, "I don't feel that way, but I'm glad we're friends."
  • You're walking down an icy sidewalk. Someone in front of you is on crutches, carrying a large shopping bag -- a slow mover who takes up lots of space. You:

    • Push by him/her. People are always getting in my way.
    • Say, "Excuse me!" pretty loudly, so he/she will move aside and let me pass.
    • Think, "Ugh, I'm going to be numb by the time I get home."
    • Cross to the other side of the street. It's too cold to walk this slow.
    • Don't mind walking a little slower. I'm less likely to slip.
    • Offer to carry the bag.
  • You and a friend are hanging out together at your house, when he/she says, "I feel kinda funny," and vomits all over your favorite sweatshirt. What do you do first?

    • Kick that sick, nasty freak out of my house.
    • Decide this person will henceforth be known as "The Puker."
    • Throw the sweatshirt away. It'll never feel clean again.
    • Toss the shirt in the wash, and ask if he/she wants to go home.
    • I'd probably laugh at the nastiness and say "You just puked on my favorite shirt!!"
    • Don't care about the sweatshirt at all -- is my friend OK?
  • How are things with your friends?

    • What friends? Almost everyone annoys me, especially after the puke incident.
    • They're OK for now, but I'm watching my back.
    • Things are fine, as long as they never make me look bad in public.
    • The only people I see regularly are people who go all the same places I do.
    • Pretty good -- I trust them and we give each other honest advice.
    • So good. They are literally my favorite people on the planet.
  • You're watching a TV movie about a teenage hiker who gets lost in the woods on a cold winter day, when you get the feeling it's not going to have a happy ending. You:

    • Keep watching. Ultimately, we all die alone, right?
    • Get annoyed at the kid for being so stupid. It's called GPS, dude.
    • Appreciate the realism. I don't want to watch a cheesy Hollywood ending anyway.
    • Change the channel. There's got to be something better on.
    • Hope tons of people are watching this. Never hike alone!
    • Wish I could leap into the TV (with lots of water and energy bars) and help that kid find the way home.


You're as cold as a baby penguin snuggled up against its mom.

If you're thinking "Wait, that penguin doesn't sound very cold," that's exactly right. You're warm-hearted, not cold-hearted. Even if it's stormy and nasty outside -- even if you're surrounded by people with icy Arctic hearts -- you continue to radiate sunshine and warmth. You're sensitive and caring to others, and you find happiness by connecting with other people. No wonder everyone wants to hug you!

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