I am a tiny bit lazy
You're probably like, "WHAT? I'm not lazy!" but let's look at the
facts. When you saw the title of this quiz, you could've just said, "I
know the answer to that -- I'm not lazy." But instead, you took the quiz.
So at the very least, you're lazy enough to let a personality quiz
figure something out for you. In general though, you don't seem like a
lazy person. You might have lazy moments (or even lazy days) once in a
while, but they probably only happen when you're overworked,
over-scheduled, and overtired. If you sleep till noon, it's probably
because you REALLY need it, so this quiz isn't judgin'. Stay in bed as
long as you want.
يمكنكم الرجوع للرابط
وتطبيق الاختبار
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