Saturday, December 10, 2016

The Giver _ Written by: Lois Lowry

New Vocabulary:

Unit 1: 
Adhere (v) التزام = to obey, pay attention to.
aptitude (n)  أهلية وكفاءة = a particular type of character.
Chastise (v)  عاقب = to punish or criticize severely.

Chortle (v)  يقهقه= to laugh softly with delight.
Disposition (n) ترتيب = natural ability or skill.
Disquieting (adj) مُزعج = very upset or troubled.
Distraught (adj) منذهل = causing anxiety.
Empathy (n)  تقمص عاطفي = the ability to understand other people's feelings.
Hoard (n) ذخيرة = to save large amounts of food, money.
Nurture (n)  تغذية= to feed and care for.


Unit 2:
Tentative (adj) مؤقت  = uncertain and hesitant.
Frigid (adj)  فاتر = very cold.
Obsolete (adj)  مُهمل = no longer used because something newer exists.
Benign (adj) حميد وكريم = not causing harm.
Jaunty (adj) أنيق ومرح = lively and self-confident.
Indolent (adj)  كسلان = lazy.
Unnerve (v)  فقد أعصابه وثقته بنفسه = to make someone feel afraid or upset.
Excruciating (adj) مُوجع  = very painful.
Intricate (adj) معقد  = having many parts.
Conspicuous (adj)  واضح = Easy to see or notice.


Important notes about the chapters:

- The "Giver" begin nearly December.
- Jones was apprehensive (worried)
- Jones last felt fear when a jet had flown over the community.
- The two words does Asher confuse in Jonas's first recollection of him: Distraught (deeply upset) and distracted ( unable to concentrate). 
- Lily discuss at the daily telling of feelings:a visiting Seven who does not obey the rules.
- Obtaining a child for one's family unit by approval of one's application.
- The father breaks the rules with regard to newchild Thirty-six by looing up the child's name on the Naming list.
- The father helps console Jonas about the Ceremony of Twelve. He recounts his own Ceremony of Twelve.
- The rule about bicycles not been changed because  putting it through committee would take too long. 
- Jonas's father's job was a Nurturer 
- The unusual about Jonas and Gabriel was the color of their eyes.
- Lily's comment about Jonas's and Gabriel's unusual trait insensitive  because it is impolite to mention how people are different.
- The mother not approve of Lily's desire to be a Birthmother (a woman who has given birth to a child, as opposed to an adoptive mother) because that Assignment has little honor.
- At age 8 children begin their volunteer hours. 
- Jonas steal the apple because It changed somehow when he was looking at it. 
 - Benjamin's specialty is working at the Rehabilitation Center( renewal center)  
 - Jonas never compliment Benjamin because he does not want to force Benjamin to brag (show off).
- Jonas find Asher's bicycle during volunteer hours at the House of the Old 
 - Jonas interact with Larissa by bathing her. 
- Roberto looks happy as he walked through the door in the Releasing Room. 
- At age 3 Dream-telling begins. 
- Fiona is Jonas's dream of his first Stirrings ( initial sign of movement or motions) ?
- The feeling characterizes the Stirrings is Wanting 
- People in Jonas's community handle the Stirrings by suppressing it with pills. 
- Jonas proud but regretful about taking the pills. 

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